95 degrees this week and, as Paris would say "that's hot!" Lots of rivers to raft this week. The beautiful North Fork American has been at optimum levels as well as the Merced. Tuolumne has been raging at 16,000 cfs! Middle Fork American has been fluctuating at too high of levels and lots of those trips were cancelled and sent over to the South Fork American. Good 'ol Southfork! Ranging from 5,000 cfs to 8,000 cfs, that river is providing an incredible thrill for adventurous novices and athletic beginners. We had a gentlemen this week who booked a South Fork American trip and asked for an oarboat for himself. He described himself as "elderly rafter" and let us know that he had done this trip many, many times as a younger man. When we met with him, he was an enthusiastic rafter looking forward to the big water!
Here is his wonderful email to us: "Feel obliged to say that you have a great operation judging from my trip yesterday. Justin (headguide) should go far in life as a teacher/coach ...great empathy and charisma! Also Gabriel has innate concern for the well-being and safety of others... would go with him anywhere because of it. All in all a great experience... and nice 71st birthday present to myself... Thanks again, Bill from Northern California; May 2005
Mr. Bill, you totally made our day! It just shows you that it's not your age, not your size... it's all about attitude and lifestyle. Those of you who look for adventure in your lives, find it not only in the outdoors but in everything that you do. Thanks to all of our wonderful client paddlers. We are having the time of our lives during this high water season!