Wednesday, January 30, 2013


California whitewater rafting with W.E.T. River Trips on North Fork American River. Class 4+. Whitewater rafting. Springtime. Minimum age is 16 years old. Call us 1.888.723.8938.

Via Flickr:
spring rafting on class 4+ whitewater in northern california

Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration Day 2013 ~ 44th President

Barak H. Obama. A familiar name to everyone now unlike all the names prior to his first Inauguration Day. Remember all those presidents who came before Obama. Remember their faces during their Inauguration Day. Remember what they promised and what they delivered to the American public.

W.E.T. River Trips - California rafting on South Fork American

Does it matter if our president is of color? Yes, it does. Why? Because his past experiences will be valuable for every single person in the USA. His color will bring an understanding towards every person of color, every female, every non-Christian religion and every person who has not lived the disney-esque lifestyle that we all grew up with at the movies.

Last term, Obama tried to unify the Congress, and now this term, I hope he can be left to really do our country some good.

Please don't expect him to perform miracles! The mess Barak Obama was left with has been unprecedented in the history of our country. No one was untouched. Even the uber-wealthy were touched with more wealth in their coffers! While the rest of us, suffered the slings and arrows of an economic nightmare.

Four years is a very short time in our history. Four more years of jockeying around the political mantra from every special interest group in Washington, DC. There isn't enough money to recreate all those 'old' programs from the past and give it a new name. We need real change. We need our politicians to really talk to each other without the fear of their next election. We all need to throw away our political robes, and stand as people, together in our quest to move forward.

Sigh... another term, another president. We do need to solve problems now. Can we afford not to? Yes, we can!

~ EL
W.E.T. River Trips
California Whitewater Rafting since 1978
January 21, 2013
United States of America