Monday, March 25, 2013

LATE GUESTS...Late Arrivals

Sun is streaming through the trees, bathing the sidewalk in a bright light that is almost painful to view after months of dark clouds and gray fog. The neighbors are having their annual spring sidewalk sale. Cars zipping up to park and people milling around as I could hear their voices this early morning. Peaceful day, and I was drinking my tea and peering through the window glass at the shoppers.

Brring, brring... the phone. And, for me, the early morning ring can only mean one thing. A guest is lost or late. Every single day. Someone is late.
Thanks to for this pic

When the guest calls, they usually say, "Hi, I am so-and-so... and we will be there in 10 more minutes. Please wait for us."

I am instructed to ask the caller where they are, so I can get an accurate timing on what to tell the head guides and our greeter on the guest's arrival time. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! The guest does not know the route!

Guests are coming here to Lotus Coloma from all locations of the universe. Some people are neighbors in the local area. Others are from Sacramento, just about 45 minutes away and other valley towns like Lodi, Modesto, etc. While most may come from the Bay Area such as San Francisco, San Jose, and all other bay area locations approximately 3 hours away. And, of course, all our Southern California friends who drive all night or fly-in to Sacramento International Airport, and then drive-in on the morning or the night before.

So, how do we expect ANYONE to arrive on time?

Here is what we suggest:
  1. Read confirmation as soon as you receive it; be prepared, check your links, and plan ahead.
  2. Trial drive; for those who are nearby and can take a day to "practice" that drive (lots to do and see up here! pack a lunch and picnic at one of the locations in the area near the river)
  3. Google maps; no excuses, peeps! Maps galore on the internet and we give you the address in your confirmation.
  4. Plan your timing; if you know the kids/friends/group procrastinate, plan for that.
  5. Japan time; ok, but that is what my mom called it (Japanese mother who always claimed that she was late due to "Japan time" so everyone at my house had to get up 1 hour earlier than necessary).
  6. Consideration; for your fellow human beings, and it's called good manners.

Do what it takes to arrive on time. Why? Because the other guests do not like waiting for you, and neither does the river. Relax and enjoy your day by planning ahead and being on time. I guarantee you will be more light-hearted when you arrive... and that is where we want the river to take us, if you allow your heart and soul to receive that precious gift.

Ok, now I ragged on you all... but, keep in mind. Once you get on that beautiful river, nothing will matter. That harried morning, the crazy drive... the morning will fade away as you will slow down to river time. And the rush of whitewater? Oh, what a thrill! Nothing matters anymore... except your loved ones... and spending this time on the river with them is pure joy!

W.E.T. paddler on North Fork American River
God bless, Namaste
I'm on the phones!
Blogging from the office...
Thanks to for their photo
Thanks to W.E.T. River Trips for their photo

Friday, March 01, 2013


March 1, 2013 is today. All day. Another year of rafting on our glorious rivers! Whitewater begins again this month with W.E.T. River Trips in California.

Call or reserve online as dates are flying out of here quickly. Email or verbal quotes are available by emailing us at wet (at) raftwet (dot) com or calling us at 1.888.723.8938. (Remember to clean up that email address! Use @ and . where appropriate!

Here is a brief schedule of 1-day, 2-day, multiple-day events this year for American River and other rivers in California.
All trips can add camping + extra meals to extend your packages; just ask!
W.E.T. River Trips are Available Daily!

March 2013 : start date 3/16th/sat
South Fork American Chili Bar Express
South Fork American Chili Bar run
2-day South Fork American
North Fork American Chamberlain Falls run (call for special rate 1.888.723.8938)
2-day American River Combo

April 2013
South Fork American Chili Bar Express
South Fork American Chili Bar run
South Fork American Full River run
Middle Fork American Tunnel Chute run
North Fork American Chamberlain Falls run
2-day, 3-day Trips

May 2013
South Fork American Chili Bar Express
South Fork American Chili Bar run
South Fork American Gorge run
South Fork American Full River run
Middle Fork American Tunnel Chute run
North Fork American Chamberlain Falls run
American River Combo packages
Cal Salmon
Group Trips
2-day, 3-day Trips

June 2013
South Fork American Chili Bar Express
South Fork American Chili Bar run
South Fork American Gorge run
South Fork American Full River run
Middle Fork American Tunnel Chute run
North Fork American Chamberlain Falls run
American River Combo packages
Multiple day trips
Klamath River (after 6/15th)
2-day, 3-day, multiple-day Trips

July 2013
All South Fork American packages except Full River
All Middle Fork American packages
American River Combo
Klamath River multiple day trips
Youth Groups
Group Trips
Klamath River
2-day, 3-day, multiple-day Trips

August 2013
All South Fork American packages except Full River
All Middle Fork American packages
American River Combo
Klamath River multiple day trips
Youth Groups
Group Trips
Klamath River
2-day, 3-day, multiple-day Trips

September 2013
South Fork American Chili Bar Express
South Fork American Chili Bar run
South Fork American Gorge run
Middle Fork American Tunnel Chute run
Group Trips
Fishing Trips
2-day Trips

We can design your group rafting trip for you or you can choose your own package. Just let us know in a timely fashion so we can get you confirmed for your whitewater trip!

W.E.T. River Trips