Friday, February 23, 2007

Road Trip to River Rafting

The guides gathered over this past weekend and hit the road for a Northern California river tour... successful runs and a fun time was had by all... silliness prevailed as they ended their road trip surfing in the ocean with the rafts... stories were formed as they headed home tired and spent... some rain fell, but most days were sunny and beautiful with whitewater rapids.

Here's some pics raft surfing on the Northern coast after the river trips...

Sollie led the crew on this recent California road trip, and before they headed back to home base in the Lotus Coloma Valley, they stopped for a brief respite at the ocean.

A gray day contrasted with the colorful gear of the crew as they carried the raft out into the sea. There the water was rocking and rolling as waves came in for a nice surf.

... it seems we just can't get enough... ever.

Postcard from the Great North

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